
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chicken Pox

This past Sunday started out like any other- we got up, dressed, started making breakfast and planning our day. Church, chores, errands, the typical weekend laundry list. Sophie was awake and eating her breakfast but not as voraciously as usual. I thought nothing of it-that was until lunch when she also wasn't hungry and seemed more ready for her nap then usual. And then there were the zit like spots appearing on her face. She was getting the chicken pox.

When it comes to vaccinations I am a hippie and error on the side of caution in regards to "inoculating" my child. I think a lot of vaccines are just a band aid and not a way to prevent the illness or disease. The varicella vaccine didn't exist when I was a kid. I got the chicken pox possibly twice. Sophia has had the vaccine so I was expecting this to be a very smooth ride. The doctor explained that instead of one hundred pox she would have far less. On Sunday I could count three on her chin and two on her butt. What I didn't know is that new crops of pox develop every day. She is not covered head to toe but there are a lot more pox than I anticipated.

The bumps on her chin are the worst because of the binkie and drool. I hope those don't scar. The also itch and burn after eating a lemon wedge! Sophie has been pretty laid back through all of this. She definitely has wanted more Mommy time which is sweet but very confused why we don't have bubbles in the bath and the water looks dirty-from the Aveeno oatmeal bath. She has been out of daycare all week making my work schedule a bit interesting (6am-9am; then working from home during her nap).

It has not been the worst chicken pox epidemic but I'll be glad when it is over. Now I just have to nurse my husband back to good health-he came home from work this afternoon with a fever, aches, pains, and chills.

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